How to Get Rid of Bed Bugs Permanently

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Bed Bugs
Reading time: 15min
October 12, 2023

The last thing you want to think about while you're lying in bed at night is the bed bugs.

Let’s face it — they are annoying.

Despite the fact that they usually do not cause disease, they can be a nuisance and cause a lot of discomfort.

Bedbugs, how to get rid of them permanently:

  1. Identify and inspect.
  2. Wash infested fabrics and linens.
  3. Deep clean mattresses.
  4. Fix and fill in cracks.
  5. Declutter your home.
  6. Use a desiccant or an insecticide.
  7. Hire professional exterminators.

Let’s dive in.

1: Identify and Inspect.


If you're treating bed bugs on your own, double-check that what you're seeing is a bed bug.

Although bed bugs are small, they are visible to the human eye.

You can look for small dark or rust-colored droppings, live bedbugs, or small pale yellow eggs.

Also, you can watch out for some telltale signs.

How can you know if you have a bed bug infestation?

Small bites in your body.

Raised red bumps with a zigzag pattern are the most common kind. They might be itchy, blistered, or feel like nothing at all.

Rusty excrement stains on your bedsheets.

These stains from your blood which the bed bugs absorbed after biting you.

A musk-like stench coming from the bedroom.

This is more common in severe situations. Investigate for additional indicators of bed bugs if you notice a weird odor in your bedroom or any other room. Just remember that many various sorts of pests have an odor, so be on the lookout for other forms of infestations besides bed bugs.

Because bed bugs breed fast, it's important to detect them before they significantly multiply.

bed bugs

With that in mind, look for indicators of bed bugs in the following areas:

  • Mattress and box spring's seams
  • Cracks between your bed frame and headboard
  • Between sofa's cushions and along the seams of the cushions
  • Seams of your carpets
  • In the joints of sofas, accent chairs, and futons
  • In the nightstand, dresser drawers, and closets

2: Wash Infested Fabrics and Linens in very hot water.

Fabrics and Linens

If your home has the symptoms of a bed bug infestation, one of the immediate things you must do is wash contaminated fabrics and linens.

To do this, keep in mind that heat is an efficient bed bug killer, so start washing your items in hot water. It's critical to get rid of bed bugs from your clothes, bedding, towels, pet beds, and stuffed animals.

Anything made of cloth should be washed on high heat in the washing machine. Then, using the maximum heat setting on your dryer, dry them.

You may put objects, such as shoes, in the dryer for 30 minutes if you don't want to put them in the washing machine.

To remove bed bugs hiding in textiles and baseboards, you can use a steam cleaner with a diffuser.

3: Deep Clean Mattresses.

Deep Clean Mattresses

Aside from washing infected fabrics and linens, deep cleaning your mattresses is one of the things you need to do to get rid of bed bugs.

Begin by scrubbing the seams of your mattress with a firm brush. Their eggs and shells will fall free as a result of this.

Then vacuum the entire mattress, including the top, bottom, and all sides.

Keep in mind that the bugs and their eggs may have invaded your vacuum.

Place your vacuum in a sealed plastic bag and leave it outside the house after you're finished using it. Allow the bugs to suffocate by leaving it out for a few days.

Then, place your mattress in a tight bed bug-proof mattress cover. Keep it sealed for at least a year.

4: Fix and Fill-in Cracks.

Fill in Cracks

Bed bugs love to hide not just in your mattresses, fabrics, and linens, but also in teeny-tiny crevices in the plaster of your walls. Cracks or areas where the wallpaper is lifting can be a perfect home for them to establish their nests.

Start by checking the inside of your home's walls thoroughly. Examine the walls for damage and spots where bed bugs might be hiding from room to room.

Seal the rising edges with wallpaper adhesive or remove the paper entirely. Fill up any wall gaps with plaster or caulk, no matter how small.

To further limit infestation, caulk and seal all holes where pipes and cables enter walls and floors, and fill gaps around baseboards and molding.

5: Declutter Your Home.

Declutter Your Home

Bed bugs may thrive anywhere there is debris. So to get rid of them, you have to do a thorough decluttering of your home.

Bed bugs breed best in dry, cold conditions. So you should identify the areas in your home where there is a possible breeding ground.

Get rid of anything you don't need by going through the boxes beneath your bed and in your closet. Books, periodicals, clothing, and culinary items should all be decluttered.

You should know where everything is and when it was last cleaned.

You may also want to use this checklist to identify areas you need to declutter:

  • Bed Frame / Foot Boards
  • Electronics and Appliances
  • Other Furniture

Bed Frame / Foot Boards

Bed Frame

Remove the mattress and box frame from the bed frame and use a flashlight along the whole length of the bed frame.

Tip: Bear in mind that bed bugs can squeeze through a crevice the size of a business card.

Electronics and Appliances

Regrettably, gadgets and appliances provide an ideal breeding ground for bed bugs. So inspect them thoroughly with a flashlight and magnifying lens.

Other Furniture

Examine other pieces of furniture, such as desks, chairs, and dressers.

Disassemble any drawers and cushions from nearby furniture.

With a flashlight, thoroughly inspect all seams and crevices.

When you find any bed bugs, do a thorough cleaning.

Caution: Using a bristle attachment is not recommended. Since bed bugs can cling to the brush, it may spread bed bugs to other areas.

You may use a vacuum cleaner to do your general cleaning, disposing of vacuum cleaner bags away from your home.

6: Use a desiccant or an insecticide.

Pyrethrins and pyrethroids are two commonly used pesticides for bed bug control. In terms of pesticides, these are fast-acting and are largely non-toxic to pets and humans.

Additionally, they simply require a modest dosage to be effective against insects.

However, there is a disadvantage: certain bed bugs are resistant to these treatments.

In that situation, an alternative pesticide such as pyrroles like chlorfenapyr or neonicotinoids, which are synthetic analogues of nicotine, may be required.

Pyrethrins and pyrethroids

Tip No. 7: Hire Professional Exterminators.

You can also use desiccants.

Desiccants are chemicals that kill insects by removing their protective layer. Without this layer, the insects die from dehydration.

Silica aerogel and diatomaceous earth are two commonly used desiccants.

Bed bugs do not build resistance to these chemicals and they have a high kill rate.

While these pesticides are powerful and quick-acting, making them perfect for bed bug control, they may include harsh chemicals that some individuals do not want in their homes.

Additionally, they might be messy if not applied properly. So it would be best to hire a professional if you have to Google how to use them.

7: Hire Professional Exterminators.

Professional Exterminators

Do-it-yourself bed bug pest control solutions may work, but the job won’t be as reliable as when done by a professional agency.

Here are some factors that you may consider when you look for a professional exterminator:

Has reasonable bed bug control pricing - they should do thorough inspections and be realistic about the results of their service.

Guarantees a second treatment to ensure that the infestation is completely removed.

Uses the most effective and advanced technology for treating bed bug problems.

Go For Guarantee!

Agro Pest Control has been effectively clearing residential and commercial properties from bed bugs and other pests since 2015.

They provide the following:

  • Fair pricing
  • Customized services
  • No-cost inspections
  • Excellent customer service
  • A skilled team of technicians

Agro Pest Control has served Phoenix residents and businesses as a one-stop-shop for all things relating to pest control.

If you live in Phoenix, Arizona, and have a pest problem in your home, like bed bugs in your room, schedule your FREE INSPECTION today.